Lexi is a larger female who is 38lb, tall, and very athletic. She was born at Prairiestorm Kennels and is from a breeding between our dogs Spark and Briar. We couldn't decide which female we wanted to keep from that litter so we ended up keeping both Lexi and her sister Blaze. Lexi lives with our good friends Ken and Judy Taylor where she is very loved and well taken care of. We couldn't ask for a better home for her. Lexi is a family pet and also a hunting dog where she enjoys hunting grouse with Ken each fall. She has high retrieving drive and loves to hunt. Lexi finished her Canadian Conformation Championship(CH) and did very well in the show ring. She has a very nice gait and a beautiful and long neck. She is a very spirited dog and is always happy and enjoying life. Lexi is very outgoing, loves people, and is great with children and other dogs. Her puppies will be well suited for active family pet, hunting dogs, conformation dogs, or agility homes.
DOB: June 9, 2010 | OFA Hips: Good BS-15922G26F-VPI | |
Colour: Liver & White | CERF: BS-375110 (Date Examined: September 12, 2012) | |
Weight: 38lb | ||
CKC: #XL355097 | ||
Pedigree for CH Prairiestorm Playing With Fire “Lexi”
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Dam CAN/AM CH Jayhawker’s Red Diamond Willow FDJ |
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